I will start this blog with a small serie of posts explaining how to earn money from blogging.
The way you need to start is obviously to create your first blog. It is necessary to start with only one blog first, in order to have enough time to really experiment each step of your growing blog.
Remember that the objective is to earn money from your blog.
It means you will need to be a member of (for example) the Google AdSense program. For those who don't know what it is: the column of ads you can see on the right are what you can put on your blog with the Google AdSense program.
But to be accepted for the Google AdSense program, your blog:
- must have a minimum of interesting content (this is where you need to create added value for your visitors)
- must be referenced by Google (when Google detect that you really create valuable content, this goes very quick)
- must have some external links pointing to it (this comes naturally when your first visitors find added value within your articles...)
- must have a content regularly updated (freshness is important for Google referencing, but also to maintain and of course grow the number of visitors regularly browsing your blog).
The best way to make money is to create value ! Keep that in mind !
But don't run away ! It can go very quick if you follow the rules and keep in mind that your objective is still to make real money from your blog.
MEMO: Be regular and create added value for your visitors !
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